Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Miss Brussels in Dire Straits

See the following article from The Brussels Journal
Last September Halima Chehaïma, the 18-year old daughter of a Moroccan father and a Flemish mother, was elected Miss Brussels. Until next week Ms Chehaïma was also the absolute favorite of the bookmakers for the election of Miss Belgium next month. She was thought to be an excellent candidate to symbolize the multicultural paradise that Belgium has become. However, a girl’s dream was shattered.

Halima Chehaïma was a controversial candidate. Last October she stood for the Marxist-Leninist Labour Party in the local elections in Molenbeek, the predominantly Muslim Brussels borough where she lives. The party is so marginal that she did not get elected, but her declaration that Israel must be wiped off the map raised the eyebrows of the organizers of the Miss Belgium pageant. What really seems to have ruined her chances, however, is her connection with Bilal Ould Haj, a Belgian criminal of Moroccan origin.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rick Warren: Defender of Evil

Rick Warren goes off to Syria, and lauds it as a country of religious tolerance and political moderation.

Then the Lebanese minister gets assasinated ... which the Hizbollah-sponsoring regime in Damascus had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with, of course.

Is Mr Warren really a subversive, left-wing, Bush-hating, terror-supporting, empire-building, Donald Trump imitating pope of modern day 'Protestantism'?

Or is he just a twit?

Rick Warren called 'enabler and defender' of evil

Wall of Separation

Where did the term "separation of church and state" come from?

Why, the US Constitution of course.


It was a line in a letter by Thomas Jefferson in 1802, immortalised and, arguably, misconstrued by Hugo Black in 1948.

Here is an extremely helpful piece on the subject:

Origins and Dangers of the ‘Wall of Separation’ Between Church and State Daniel L. Dreisbach, Professor of Justice, Law and Society, American University.

And go to the following link for a fascinating interview with the author: Dennis Prager Show

Monday, November 27, 2006

Why Are Atheists So Angry?

Here is an excellent online, email debate (5 parts) on the evidence of God, between today's C.S. Lewis, Dennis Prager (Jewish), and atheist Sam Harris:

Why Are Atheists So Angry

The Nativity Story

" December the 1st marks the release date for "The Nativity Story," a movie that tells the story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus, with Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary. This is a major Hollywood production of the Christmas story that depends upon the Gospels for the narrative. " (

This made me think back to the last blockbuster religious reality movie: Mel anti-Semitic-diatribe Gibson's 'Passion'.

Here is a critique of that movie, written at the time of its release, by the remarkable 'Spengler' of the Asia Times:

Mel Gibson's Lethal Religion

".. Mel Gibson has laid a cuckoo's egg in the nest of American Christianity. What he has hatched in US cinemas is a quasi-pagan throwback to the sepulchral old-world cult that the United States was set up to oppose. The US is a by-product of the Protestant Reformation's purge of pagan elements in Christianity, and the enthusiasm for The Passion of the Christ among Protestant evangelicals suggests that they have forgotten more than they have learned. .."

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Racial Profiling

I was surprised to find an example of racial profiling in Scripture:
Titus 1:12-13
One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians [are] alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Red Red Robin

Nancy Pelosi: Caviar commie

To the tune of Red Red Robin:

'When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along,
There'll be no more lootin' when we start shootin' that Wall Street throng'

And another bawdy beer hall ballad:

'Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie.
And when the revolution comes, We'll kill you all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie.

Pelosi is a long-time member of the "Progressive Caucus" – or, as I call it, the Congressional Red Army Caucus.

In fact, she has even served on the executive committee of the socialist-leaning Progressive Caucus, a bloc of about 60 votes or nearly 30 percent of the minority vote in the lower chamber. Until 1999, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the Democratic Socialists of America. Following an expose of the link between the two organizations in WND, the Progressive Caucus established its own website under the auspices of Congress. Another officer of the Progressive Caucus, and one of its guiding lights, is avowed socialist Rep. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent.

The Democratic Socialists of America's chief organizing stated goal is to work within the Democratic Party and remove the stigma attached to "socialism" in the eyes of most Americans.

"Stress our Democratic Party strategy and electoral work," explains an organizing document of the DSA. "The Democratic Party is something the public understands, and association with it takes the edge off. Stressing our Democratic Party work will establish some distance from the radical subculture and help integrate you to the milieu of the young liberals."

Nevertheless, the goal of the Democratic Socialists of America has never been deeply hidden. Prior to the cleanup of its website in 1999, the DSA included a song list featuring "The Internationale," the worldwide anthem of communism and socialism. Another song on the site was "Red Revolution" sung to the tune of "Red Robin." The lyrics went: "When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along, there'll be no more lootin' when we start shootin' that Wall Street throng. ..." Another song removed after WorldNetDaily's expose was "Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?" The lyrics went: "Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie. And when the revolution comes, We'll kill you all with knives and guns, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie."

Fatal Attraction

Nancy talks about a 'new direction' for America.

Which direction is that .... Europe?

It seems to me that the left is strangely in love with a Western European socio-economic model: welfare state, socially progressive, same-sex marriage, abortion on demand, high immigration, socialized medicine, multi-culturalism.

But this is the very model which is killing Europe as we know it, facilitating its metamorphosis into the Islamic Republic of Eurabia.

But Love is Blind.

Enjoy it while it lasts, Nancy.

Red Poppies, Not White

I listened this morning on the CBC (Communist Broadcasting Corporation) to an advocate of the White Poppy, rather than the red, on Remembrance Day, signifying peaceful alternatives to war.

[A laudable, idealistic, feelings-based notion, with little hope of success in real life and a potential to spawn dictators and despots]

The woman gave the following statistics, to make a point.

The ratio of civilian casualties in World War 1 was 30%.

In WW2, the ratio rose to 50%.

In the War in Iraq the ratio of civilians to military is allegedly a whopping 80%.

So this was used to prove that all wars are evil and we therefore need an alternative ... hence the White Poppy.

But, surely, Ms CBC was missing the real significance of her statistical analysis.

If accurate, the frightening figure of 80% does not prove that conventional warfare is going horribly wrong and that the troops should come home.

I contend that it proves that the violence in Iraq is largely perpertrated by terrorists who kill and maim, not indiscriminately, but deliberately by targeting civilians.

End of Evangelicalism

For those of us who think 'gay marriage' is a contradiction in terms, it appears we may need to define a new glossary of terms to define and describe our views, values and beliefs.

Extrapolate this to the 'faith once delivered unto the saints'.

Liberal religious leaders like Jim Wallis are aggessively re-defining the theological dictionary.

Evangelicalism Continues to Move Left - Jan Markell
"I asked the students if they wanted to be 'true evangelicals'" (referring to Luke 4 and the reference of bringing the good news to the poor.) The implication here is that if it doesn't follow the social gospel it cannot be good news.

Wallis seems to minimize the moral values of the "religious right" such as abortion and gay marriage while emphasizing issues he feels are greater causes today: Poverty, global warming, human rights, ethics of war in Iraq, and more. Wallis said that the value of human life cannot just be seen in the abortion issue without also addressing issues of the poor.

After a standing ovation by the students who were overflowing in the chapel hall, Wallis says, "It didn't feel like a standing ovation but rather an altar call, with students standing to say they want their faith and lives to make a difference in our world." I ask if evangelical colleges and seminaries are cranking out pastors with this view, what will the church look like in ten years?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Recipe for Defeat

US Mid term elections - I get the sense that Dhimmi-Europe is rooting for a Democrat victory. The first thing my parents told me about this morning, when they called from England, was the BBC reports of the largely irrelevant (and irreverent?) Ted Haggard, and how 'the scandal' is likely to influence the voters against the Republicans in Colardo.

They're hoping.

Here's a sobering viewpoint from the sound, sane, insightful Brussels Journal, about what a Democrat victory would mean for Europe.

A Recipe for Defeat - Europe is Pelosi’s America
However, the current American elections are relevant for Europe, too. If they lead to the American withdrawal from Iraq, Europe will face a widespread intifada. The withdrawal will be perceived as a defeat of the West and the Muslim “youths” in Europe’s cities will become even more arrogant. They utterly despise the Europeans, whom they perceive (not entirely without reason) to be men dressed up as ballerinas, and they hate America because it fights back. In a world ruled by men who only understand the language of power it is better to be hated than despised. If America withdraws the Islamist fanatics will despise America for it. They will take this as a sign that the West has been defeated and that the world is theirs.