Monday, December 04, 2006

Ba-Rick Obama

Why is Obama's Evil in Rick Warren's Pulpit? [Kevin McCullough]
Rick Warren, the best selling author of The Purpose Driven Life and senior teaching pastor at Saddleback Church in California, has invited Barack Obama to speak to the congregation of the faithful on December 1, 2006. In doing so he has joined himself with one of the smoothest politicians of our times, and also one whose wickedness in worldview contradicts nearly every tenant of the Christian faith that Warren professes.

So the question is, "why?"

Why it will be 'President Obama' in 2009 [Kevin McCullough]
Barring several series of near seizure-like corrections, Barack Obama will take the Presidential oath of office in January of 2009. It will be a cold January morning, his beautiful wife and daughters will be by his side and they will shiver as he places his hand on the Bible and swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States. His presidency that will follow, if reflective of anything at all of his legislative record, will then seek to dismantle that same Constitution.

Personal Convictions for Sale

President Obama, Pro-Abortion Evangelicals, and the New Direction in Evangelicalism if Church Leaders Don’t Wake Up—and Speak Up

Read Article

By Brannon Howse

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